Candidacy II

Updated 1/31/23

Diaconal Formation is a process of spiritual, human, intellectual and pastoral growth spanning a period of several years. The principal components of this growth comprise the following dimensions. The following Dimensions will bring a focus to Candidacy III

Spiritual Dimension –

This stage happens through the candidate’s meeting regularly with his spiritual director and those responsible for formation. The goals are for the candidate to increase in holiness; to deepen his prayer life through the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Penance, the Liturgy of the Hours, and devotions, and to acquaint himself with the Catholic spiritual tradition reflected in classic and modern spiritual writings. (ND 225, 226)

Human Dimension – Emphasis is to be placed upon his relational and collaborative qualities and skills, especially his strengths and limitations in this regard. During the candidate stage, the candidate also acknowledges his giftedness and develops the habit of authentic self-criticism in light of the Gospel. He must learn how to integrate his personal, familial, work, and ministerial responsibilities. (ND 224)

Intellectual Dimension –

This stage of formation introduces the candidate to the essentials of Christian doctrine and practice, including the core areas of theology faithful to the Magisterium of the Church and based on Scripture and Tradition, the documents of the Second Vatican Council, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the General Directory for Catechesis. (ND 132, 227)

Pastoral Dimension –

During formation, engagement in a wide diversity of pastoral placements, at least on a limited basis, will not only give the candidate a greater awareness of the needs and mission of the [diocesan] Church, but will assist in the discernment and development of his own . . talents and gifts. These pastoral experiences should provide an opportunity for theological reflection, as well as occasions to trans-late” intellectual knowledge into pastoral service. (ND 228)

Timeline of Formation:

A period of 1 year


At the end of the second year of Aspirancy, each aspirant makes a formal request to the bishop to be entered as a candidate for diaconal formation. With the recommendation of the Committee on Admission and the Advisory Board, the bishop formally accepts the aspirant as a candidate for the diaconate. The Candidacy period comprises approximately 3 years of rigorous academic, spiritual, and pastoral formation for the candidates. During the first year of Candidacy, the candidates are formally instituted by the bishop as lectors. During the second year of Candidacy, the candidates are formally instituted by the bishop as acolytes. Candidacy continues for a third-year culminating in a review by the bishop and preparation for ordination. The Candidates will formally petition the bishop in writing for ordination upon completing their 5-day Canonical Retreat.

Please return the Request of Rite via mail to:

Deacon Timothy Chriswell

Director of Deacons 

Catholic Center

795 Main Street

Buffalo, NY 14203